Contributed Talks

Contributed talks are welcome from all registered participants at the 44ACC. You may submit a talk before completing the registration process. The deadline for submitting a contributed talk is November 30, 2022.

Preparing your abstract

  • Prepare an abstract for your talk using the template absSurname.tex and the style file cmsa-abs.sty.
  • Check that it compiles correctly to PDF, and that you have included all the relevant information.
  • The ideal length for a talk abstract is about 200 words. We may ask you to shorten it if it is significantly longer than that.
  • Save the TeX file for your abstract, replacing Surname in the filename absSurname.tex by your actual surname.

Submitting your abstract

  • Send your (suitably renamed) absSurname.tex file to with subject line ACC44 abstract submission.
  • If you are eligible and wish to be considered for the CMSA Anne Penfold Street Student prize for the best student talk at ACC, please indicate this in your submission email.
  • You should receive confirmation of receipt within a week.

Preparing and delivering your talk

  • Talks should be 20 minutes long with a 5 minute period for questions.
  • Detailed instructions for presenters will be available in early December, but essentially will involve screen-sharing through Zoom.